Frequently Asked Questions

Forums and discussions are available on our Reddit page

Minimum System Requirements

  •  Windows 7 64-bit or above
  •  NVIDIA GTX 1060
  •  Minimum 12GB RAM
  •  Minimum 10GB free hard disk space

Authoring Software Plugin Support

  •  Autodesk Revit 2021-2025
  •  Archicad 23-27
  •  Navisworks 2021-2025
  •  Civil 3D 2021-2025
  •  Rhino 6-8
  •  Microstation Connect

Supported Geometry File Types

  •  3D Object (.fbx)
  •  SketchUp 2016-2024 (.skp)
  •  Point Cloud (.pts)(.fls)(.rcp)
  •  Industry Foundation Classes (.ifc)

Supported Scheduling Authoring Software

  •  Asta Powerproject (.xml)
  •  Microsoft Project (.xml)
  •  Primavera P6 (.xml)
  •  Microsoft Excel (.csv and .xlsx)

Recommended System Specifications

  •  Windows 10 64-bit or above
  •  NVIDIA RTX 3080 or greater
  •  SSD M.2
  •  Recommended 32 GB RAM or greater
  •  Minimum 50GB free hard disk space

What graphics engine does Fuzor use?

Fuzor was built on our own graphics engine. The Kalloc Studios Instant Preview Engine was developed by Kalloc Studios, Inc. CEO, Henry Yu. Our patented, award-winning engine is specifically designed to handle large object and polygon counts. Fuzor's engine includes Bi-directional Live Link capabilities that allow Fuzor send and receive changes from your authoring software.

Does my Revit version need to match my Fuzor version?

Each version of Fuzor supports many versions of Revit, Navisworks, Civil 3D, Sketch, Archicad and more. For a list of supported versions click here.

Do you have VR Support?

Fuzor is the leading plug and play solution on the market. Once your sync your BIM model into Fuzor, it is immediately ready for VR. Inside of VR, experience a seamless workflow that allows you to design directly in Fuzor. Move existing objects, place new families and equiment, view BIM properties, change materials, create annotations and much more!

Fuzor VDC is the only software that allows you to not only create a detailed 4D sequence but also to review your timeline in VR. Fully immerse project owners or engineers into the project to review site logistics and experience interactive safety training simlations.

What VR, MR and AR platforms do you support?

Fuzor currently supports the following VR, MR and AR platforms:

  •  HTC Vive
  •  HTC Vive Pro
  •  HTC Vive Cosmos
  •  Oculus Rift and Touch
  •  Oculus Rift S
  •  Oculus Quest 2 with PC connection
  •  Oculus Quest 3 with PC connection
  •  Microsoft Hololens
  •  Microsoft Hololens 2
  •  Windows Mixed Reality
  •  Google Cardboard

Why am I unable to connect to the server when installing Fuzor?

If you are receiving the error code "The server could not be contacted to verify your product key" it is likely that the machine being installed on does not have access to the internet. Fuzor contacts to validate the product key. For Fuzor to complete its installation it must be able to access via HTTPS. Please contact your network administrator to provide this access.

NOTE: If your network connects to the internet via a Proxy, please use "Use Proxy" under the product key text boxes.

How can I run Fuzor more smoothly on an older slower machine?

Fuzor supports progressive rendering to ease navigation in larger files. If the machine running Fuzor has a graphics card below or at recommended specs, you may try to use Abstract rendering mode for better performance. Please see minimum requirements here and recommended specifications here

Why is my screen white / black?

This is most likely a driver issue. Make sure your video drivers are up to date. If you are running on Oculus Rift runtime 0.6 or lower, be sure you are on Extended Mode (not Direct Mode). If the issue persists, please contact us.

Do you support Virtual Machines?

Virtual Machines are not supported.

The installer says it cannot run a DLL?

"There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

If you received this error message or one similar to it, chances are your antivirus software has misclassified Fuzor's install files. Disable your antivirus and re-run the installer. If the issue persists, please contact us.

Why does Fuzor crash on my NVIDIA laptop?

Your laptop is likely not using your NVIDIA graphics card. To fix this, you must add Fuzor to your NVIDIA Control Panel and select "high performance NVIDIA processor" (see image). Fuzor should now start normally. If the issue persists, please contact us.

Fuzor plug-in not working - "Revit cannot run the external application"

When installing Fuzor 2017, the first prompt below may appear. If you clicked "No", upon loading Revit the second prompt may appear and the Fuzor plug-in will not load.



There are a few options to resolve this:

  • Option 1:
  • Run Windows Update to bring Windows up to the latest revision (or select and install Update KB2999226)
  • Option 2:
  • Download and install KB2999226 directly from the following link:
  • Option 3:
  • Manually update your Visual Studio C++ run-times to Visual Studio C++ 2015 from the following link:
  • After clicking "Download" you will be prompted to select either the 64 bit or 32 bit installer. Please select the 64 bit installer.

If you are still receiving this error, please contact technical support for further assistance.

Can we add our own trees?

You may add your own trees as an FBX or SKP file. However, imported trees won't have the leave animations like the trees available in Fuzor's content library.

We use Speedtree, a third party application for our foliage. Since we are using their system we are able to provide animated trees capable anof tree growth and change of seasons. There are over 400 tree and foliage types available free download directly into Fuzor, so hopefully the foliage type you are looking for will be in our library. We consistently add new content to the library all the time. Please contact us and let us know the tree name and type for us to consider for a future update.

Why do I keep getting directed to a different site when I attempt to visit the Buy page?

We have contracts with resellers that have rights to sales in specific regions around the world. The IP address that is found when you attempt to visit the Buy page will determine whether or not you will be redirected to a Reseller's page. If you are not seeing our Buy page then your IP address has been flagged as being in a reseller's area and you will need to purchase Fuzor through that reseller.

Where can I find more information about the features in Fuzor?

Once Fuzor is open pressing F1 will open the about menu. The about menu has version information as well as a button that will take you video tutorial. You can also find additional information and tutorials on our YouTube page and in the Video Tutorial section of the support page.

How do I get the viewer to work on my PC?

Before running the viewer, verify that your computer meets all of our minimum system requirements.

Please note: The viewer is 64-bit and will not be able to run on a 32-bit machine.

To check if your machine is a 64-bit system follow the steps listed below.

  •  Open the windows control panel
  •  Click System and Security
  •  Click System
  •  Now look for your System Type to find out what version you are using (see example).

If these requirements have been met and you are still receiving an error, additional files may be required for the viewer to run on your PC. Normally these files are installed with Windows Update.

  •  Please be sure that all Windows Updates have been installed.

If you still experience an error opening the viewer, please use the following links to install the required files.

Examples of possible errors include:

  •  This program can't start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
  •  The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this issue.
  •  The program can't start because X3DAudio1_7.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

If you have followed all the steps above and are still experiencing an error opening the viewer please contact the Fuzor Development Team.

What type of XBox controller can I use with Fuzor?

Fuzor allows users to use a wired XBox 360 controller to navigate around a project. For a PC to recognize the controller it must be either a wired controller or the user must have a wireless receiver for the wireless XBox controller.

NOTE: The XBox 360 controller that has a detachable charging cable is not a wired controller. The charging cable is only for charging the controller, it does not pass data.

The following image is a wired controller that will work with Fuzor.

The images below are of a wireless controller that has the charging cable and the wireless receiver that is required to allow the wireless controller to work with the PC.

License Support

Do you have network licensing, and how does it work?

Each product is available with a network license option. Network licenses allow a company to purchase a smaller amount of licenses and then employees are able to share the licenses amongst different computers. For more information about our licensing please refer to our licensing page.

How do I set up the network license server?

The license server will come with an installation and setup guide. If you are unfamiliar with networking it is best to follow the installation guide step by step. If you run into any issues during installation we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so we can help troubleshoot any issues. To read through the quick installation instructions visit our network license server page.

Are there other subscription options other than the ones on the Buy page?

We can offer subscription options other than those listed on the Buy page. If you have a term in mind or you are just interested in other options, please contact our sales team and they will be able to give you more options than the ones listed on our site.